Comprehensive & Highly Customizable 

Overall Schedule Management

  • Master Schedule: Offers detailed, customizable views of provider schedules across multiple regions and time zones.
  • Provider and Customer Schedules: Easy access and management of individual provider and customer schedules, including options to email reports directly.

Individual Job Management

  • Initiate and Manage Jobs: Efficiently create and manage jobs with detailed job specifications, session management, and bulk editing capabilities.
  • Session Details and Assignments: Detailed management of job sessions, including provider assignments, additional charges, and offsets.

Advanced Query and Feedback Systems

  • Query Emails: Automated email queries to providers for job assignments with customizable templates.
  • Feedback Manager: Integrated system for receiving and managing feedback from providers, customers, and clients.

Billing and Invoicing

  • Comprehensive Billing Integration: Integration with QuickBooks Online for seamless invoicing and financial management.
  • Unbilled Sessions Management: Tools to manage and view unbilled sessions, including special reports and automated email notifications.

Report Generation

  • Extensive Reporting Options: Generate various reports including provider billing, mileage/travel charges, utilization, and cancellation reports.
  • Customizable and Exportable Reports: Options to export reports to spreadsheets and customize the data views.

User Access and Management

  • User Roles and Access Levels: Detailed user management with varying levels of access for staff, regional staff, providers, and clients.
  • Login and Security Features: Secure login options with password recovery, session timeouts, and activity logs.

System Setup and Customization

  • System Customization: Extensive options for customizing system settings including email templates, notification setups, and business defaults.
  • Automated Processes: Features for setting up automated email notifications and managing template-based communications.

Customer and Provider Preferences

  • Preference Management: Tools for managing customer and provider preferences, including non-preference markings and preferred provider displays.

Support and Resources

  • Comprehensive User Guide: Access to detailed user guides and support documentation.
  • Dedicated Support Team: Options to contact the support team for personalized assistance.

…and more

  • Chat
  • SMS Integration
  • O2O Transfers
  • Provider Controlled Date & Time Selection